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da Tobacco gio giu 18, 2015 5:53 pm
angelshare ha scritto:

:wowo!!: :wowo!!: :wowo!!:
Segno e faccio sapere


An old shirt that is stained with blood and whisk(e)y
And goodnight to the street sweepers
The night watchman flame keepers and goodnight to Matilda too

Tom Waits - Tom Traubert's Blues

:slainte: S L A I N T E :slainte:

da angelshare lun set 14, 2015 12:15 pm
- Blended Irish Whiskey: PADDY Triple distilled 40%
- Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey: RED BREAST 12 anni 40%
- Peated Single Malt Irish Whiskey: CONNEMARA 40%
- Peated Single Malt Irish Whiskey: COOLEY CADENHEAD’S 13 anni 60.6%

Davide Terziotti
Notizie e curiosita' dal pianeta whisky
da bob sbaly lun set 14, 2015 2:44 pm
angelshare ha scritto:Si dice "coronare un sogno". Qui sarebbe da dire, "coronarie, un sogno".

Davide, ma dove le trovi?.... :lollol: :lollol: :lollol: :lollol:

Whisky is like sex:
when it's good, it's good
when it's bad, it's still pretty good