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da I love Laphroaig gio set 13, 2012 6:10 am
John Murphy organizza anche questo anno il corso di danze country Scozzesi presso la chiesa Anglicana di Milano. Io lo ho fatto l'anno scorso e - a parte essermi stiraro un polpaccio perchè si salta tutta sera - mi sono divertito un sacco.
E' un corso in preparazione della serata di St.Andrews che quest'anno John organizza per Sabato 24 Novembre, da non perdere.

Chi si unisce a me per il corso? Inizia lunedì 17/09 per 10 lunedì di fila (io non li farò tutti) presso All Saints Church, Via Solferino 7, Milano.

Just a quick confirmation that I will again be organizing a St Andrew’s Night Dinner Dance on Saturday, 24 November 2012, very much along the lines of last year’s event.

Same price: €65 per head.

- Put the date in your diary
- Spread the word to family, friends, colleagues, pupils, club members, etc.
- If you are involved in an organization or publication, please contact me for details and advertising material

And if you can make up tables of 10, you’ll make my life a lot easier. Please book early (by 31 October max.) as we may need to restrict numbers to ensure adequate dancing space.

I am also planning another course in Scottish Country Dancing (SCD) at All Saints Church, Via Solferino 7, starting on 17 September at 21.00, so let me know if you’re interested. The course will run for 10 evenings prior to St Andrew’s Night and you will enjoy the dinner dance much more if you attend the course and learn the dances. The course will cost €5 for each lesson (€35 in total if you join the “Friends of All Saints”). Note that we really need at least 16 people to make the course work properly, so please come if you are at all interested. It’s also very good exercise!

All the best,

John Murphy
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Claudio Riva 8-)
I love Laphroaig,
WhiskyClub Italia,